He Died For 45 Minutes & Went To Heaven – NDE

NDE TV Host Pegi Robinson presents Vinney Todd Tolman, who was pronounced dead in a fast food restaurant, placed in a body bag and was on his way to the morgue, when a paramedic heard a voice say “This one’s not dead” twice. Vinney watched it all from the ceiling. Once a pulse was found, the ambulance notified the hospital and a team was waiting to revive him. Vinney awoke from coma and had no memory of his Near Death Experience until a few days later, when it all suddenly came flooding in. Vinney recalls watching from the ceiling of the bathroom and hearing thoughts going on in the restaurant , then in the ambulance. He then was taken to Heaven and that Near -Death Experience is just as detailed as the Out of Body Experience. Vinney returned with insight into what we should be doing while here on earth.


Vinney’s book on Amazon – “The Light After Death My Journey To Heaven And Back”
Vinney’s website – https://livinggodslight.com/

Near-death experience guest 619 is Vinney Todd Tolman who died for 45 minutes and during his NDE experience traveled to Heaven.

Link for Amazon Canada

Vinney’s book on Amazon – “The Light After Death My Journey To Heaven And Back”
Vinney’s website – https://livinggodslight.com/