Surfacing the Goddess Within
Personal manifesto about finding myself and learning to stand strong in my own power | Ode to Empowerment
Personal manifesto about finding myself and learning to stand strong in my own power | Ode to Empowerment
Bless your self daily. You are the most amazing creature that God has created. No one better than the other....
Camping is pretend for rich people. They sleep in tents to pretend they don’t have a house. They cook on...
How do I collaborate with Archangel Michael? You’re probably wondering that so why don’t I cut to the chase and answer your question.
The background story of how Pauline of Mont Mystic (the founder of went from agnostic to writing a book...
Letters from Home Reminders to Fortify and Illuminate Your Soul 100 Letters from Home — Updated Owner’s Manual for Humans. There IS a better...
Why did I wait so long for my fairy godmother?Didn’t I know that she was me? Deliverance In Disguise Why...
You will attract the people in life who resemble whatever you’re putting out in the world. So if you feel...
A word of advice for young women on the power of being your honest-to-goodness real self.
Emotional pain can be similar to physical pain but we tend not to see it that way.