How to Be Rich and Happy ~ Internally

Photo by Steven Aguilar

I’m about to share a note with you that someone gave me twenty years ago. I was at a seminar for clever people doing clever things. It was around 1999 in Toronto. The author of the note is Rosalie Wysocki, a performance motivator.

Much of this advice was very helpful to me in cultivating myself as a young business woman, but it will also be helpful to anyone who just wants to feel like a winner while striving toward their future. Over the course of a lifetime, adopting these techniques can shape your character into a pretty decent, upstanding and respectable human being.

I hope you find it as useful as I did!

How to Be Rich and Happy… Internally

  • Live your ideal life… now.
  • Do things that are extraordinary and nearly impossible.
  • Believe that: If it is to be, it is up to me.
  • Think BIG. Dream lofty dreams. Plan. Act immediately.
  • Keep in contact with the best, meet people engaged in the best, experience the best.
  • Be your own boss. Do what you love and get paid for it.
  • Take self inventory annually on your birthday.
  • Increase your income daily… whether you work, play, or sleep.
  • Do what you do so well that people enthusiastically refer others to you.
  • Inspire others by your example.
  • Build your reputation for honesty, integrity, quality, and superb service. 
  • Aim for excellence in your field.
  • Support others in achieving their goals.
  • Develop influential friendships worldwide.
  • Take total responsibility for your past, present, and future experiences.
  • Strive to accomplish more with less time, money, and energy.
  • Do and say things that benefit all concerned.
  • Be open to new ideas, relationships, and experiences.
  • Realize that all events happen for the best.
  • Plan to do two significant things each year.
  • Build a personal development library.
  • Take calculated risks to get ahead.
  • Read books by and about exciting people you admire.
  • Simplify your life, have more fun per hour.
  • Know that you are equal to everyone and everyone is equal to you.
  • Accept people the way they are and the way they are not.
  • Forgive and love everyone.
  • Do what you feel is best, no matter what people think of you.
  • Catch people “doing it right”!
  • Save 10% of your net income.
  • Give something away daily… a postcard, letter, gift, smile, hug, compliment.
  • Collect pictures of what you want to be, do, and have in life.
  • Do not criticize, condemn or complain.
  • Act as if it were impossible to fail.
  • Dine at the finest restaurants.
  • Dress to look and feel great! Mostly solid-colored clothing.
  • Collect quotes that motivate you.
  • Speak and write only positive words.
  • Carry a crisp $100 bill with you at all times.
  • Learn something new every day.
  • Exercise at least 20 minutes daily to achieve and maintain your ideal body.
  • Fifty-seven rules to success:
    (a) Deliver the goods.
    (b) The other 56 do not matter.
  • Avoid saying: can’t, hard, difficult. Say: I can, it’s easy, it’s simple.
  • Keep your home, desk, closets, car… clean, neat and organized.
  • Use a simple time management system.
  • Listen to music which motivates you.
  • Spend more time with nature.
  • Act as if all your goals are already accomplished.
  • Take a winner to lunch.
  • Constantly escalate your goals.
 © By Rosalie Wysocki, Performance Motivator